Well, running over these twenty-five questions and the percentage re- plies one thing should be clear to you. Consistantly the homo group rates higher scores on all questions pertaining to sex the kind, the satisfac- tions, the motives, frequency and number of partners (not given above but higher in both cases). The heteros on the other hand had propor- tionately lower scores on those kinds of questions but on inquiries re- lating to role, to pleasure of living as a woman, to satisfactions of the feminine role (as distinct from female), etc., they are consistantly higher. Study the results and you will see for yourselves. Most of the questions are worded affirmatively which is why I put a "yes" before the results, a few were negative and a few were self-evident.
It appears quite clear that the basic motivation and purpose for hav- ing the surgery differs between the two groups. The homosexual pre-ops were seeking a perceived improvement in their sexual lives if they could become females. When that had been accomplished (at least as far as gen- ital appearance goes) they embarked on their sexual lives with more en- thusiasm and the fact that they had to be women socially at the same time was more or less incidental.
On the other hand the hetero group consistantly shows less concern with sex and more concern with gender. Unfortunately they are the more confused of the two groups. If your motivations are sexual and you bring about some change that is sexual which you perceive as improving your sexual relationships that is a logical thing to do. However, those persons who are heterosexually oriented, even though they may never get married, are not actually seeking a change in their sexual lives. They just see that which they are seeking — womanhood --- as being essentially a matter of being female. As I've written before this is the height of male chauven- ism seeing women primarily in terms of their genital configuration in- stead of simply a different physiological type, to be sure, but one which lives a different life style and emphasizes those aspects of human living which are largely opposite to those emphasized and developed by men. If these people which means some of you reading these lines could only see that it is not primarily a matter of getting your body arranged so that you can go to bed with a male, but rather to be able to BE a wo- man in society, a great amount of time, money, worry and pain could be avoided. It is possible to be a woman in this society and still be a male, and, moreover, to do it proudly, happily and constructively both to oneself and to society.